Saturday, April 13, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The Law of Compounding Medications and Drugs Turns One Year Old Today.

Pageviews by Countries

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States
United Kingdom
Czech Republic

This is what a week looks like on the blog since a year ago when the blog had only a couple of people reading it. This chart shows the pagesviews in a week by the top 10 countries.  The beginning blog entries began by explaining what compounding was and by addressing cases like Franck's and Gary Osborn and Apothecure.   The number of people from various countries continues to grow closer and closer to 90.  The total page views moves closer to 90,000. The issues continues to be analyzed and discussed.  The debate about whether the states or the federal government should have jurisdiction to regulate compounding is ongoing.  New issues are constantly being brought to light.  The blog now has over 3000 blog entries.

Thank you to everyone who continues to read the blog, who sends me tips, who sends me articles, and comments on the issues.  The more people who participate and share their knowledge, the better chance of coming up with the most practical and productive laws to make compounding for both humans and animals the very best and safest that can be offered to the consumer.

A special thanks to two friends.  One shares my love of writing and provides me wise counsel, legal and non.  Sometimes I seek his advice, and sometimes he just volunteers it when he thinks I need to hear it, expecially during this past year.  The other listens and we bounce ideas off each other, sometimes agreeing and other times knowing we will never be on the same page.  Another very special thank you to Rachelle and Benjamin for understanding how much doing the blog has meant to me, for believing in me, and for encouraging me to continue even when it would have been easier to quit.  Thank you also to them for eagerly reminding me to write the question of the day, then asking what the question was, and engaging me in a discussion about the answer.  More often than not, I have no answer for the question of day but just know it needs readers such as you thinking about, working on, and suggesting solutions.  


Kenneth Woliner, MD said...

Keep up the good work!

bloglady said...

Thank you for your help Dr. Woliner!