Friday, February 27, 2015

Second Question of the Day February 27, 2015 Anyone else notice that people are questioning some of the comments being posted on the CBS story? Also isn't it clear from some of the comments that some people are still not clear on whether compounded products are FDA approved are not?

@NewDegas You have fallen for internet woo. The FDA is protecting you even if you fail to protect yourself.
 If this is a fake post by a compounder, you should be ashamed of yourself. Your fake sites don't fool me, either, even if they fool millions.
It seems to me a lot of these posts are created by the same people or related because they all tell a similar story and even have similar grammatical errors.  This just FURTHER demonstrates how corrupt this industry really is.  What I don't understand is why are these people not in jail.  Are these products FDA approved?
quoted from here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like i said from the start...follow the money. Open your eyes, this story was pretty much written by Express Scripts. The executives saw their handsome bonuses shrinking and they have to blame someone. Big pharma has too many lobbyist and politicians backing them right now so they attack the smaller industry, compounders. So tell Express Scripts worried about the public or their pockets? I do think there is corruption in the compounding industy. It's everywhere. Even the media.