Thursday, February 6, 2020

Medicaid block grants would allow states not to cover some drugs

Medicaid block grant guidance unveiled on Thursday would allow states to exclude some prescription drugs from their formularies, though the CMS in 2018 denied Massachusetts' request to employ a similar strategy.

Trump pushes Congress to overcome drug pricing gridlock in State of the Union

President Donald Trump in his State of the Union address called on lawmakers to pass legislation to lower prescription drug prices and derided single-payer healthcare reform as "socialist."

As China battles coronavirus, should other countries worry about their drug supply?

As China battles coronavirus, should other countries worry about their drug supply?

Sanofi takes $186M hit on the heels of Zantac recall

Sanofi takes $186M hit on the heels of Zantac recall

FDA continues to ride Lupin over plant failings

FDA continues to ride Lupin over plant failings