Thursday, December 21, 2017

U.S. life expectancy falls for second straight year — as drug overdoses soar

High Importance!! Primus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. FDA Requested Recall Letter


Sound policy, more transparency can help companies fight opioid ...

Jackson County Newspapers-18 hours ago
Given that distributors like us are responsible for helping to deliver safely physician-prescribed medications to pharmacies, we have a unique perspective into how this supply chain works — and the ways it can be subverted by bad actors. This is why I know that what would be most effective would be better collaboration, ...

Community pharmacy: plans for the new year

Australian Journal of Pharmacy (blog)-21 hours ago
The recent pharmacy Barometer found that community pharmacy is slightly more positive than a year ago, but owners and staff are still concerned about challenges they face to secure their future, explains Mr Quilty. “Pharmacy owners and staff see the future of