Monday, October 27, 2014

Texas Board of Pharmacy disciplinary action against Randol Mill Pharmacy --agreed order license reprimanded and must develop Quality Improvement Program for preventing and handling dispensing errors

Randol Mill Pharmacy, Pharmacy License
No. 14456, Arlington, TX. Alleged violation:
alleged violation by Kevin Lynn Heide (see
above). Agreed Board Order accepted
by licensee and entered by the Board on
08-06-13: license reprimanded and must
develop and implement a Continuous
Quality Improvement Program (to include
peer review) for purposes of preventing and
handling dispensing errors.
Carmen Maria Lukner,

quoted from here

Consumer Updates Mixing Medications and Dietary Supplements Can Endanger Your Health

Consumer Updates Mixing Medications and Dietary Supplements Can Endanger Your Health

Lawyers question legality of US FDA final guidance on delaying, denying inspections

Lawyers question legality of US FDA final guidance on delaying, denying inspections

Company, Warned by FDA Over Improper Marketing, Petitions Regulators for Redress | RAPS

Company, Warned by FDA Over Improper Marketing, Petitions Regulators for Redress | RAPS

Fifth Question of Day October 27, 2014 How many doctors are violating self-referral laws while having contracts or arrangements with compounding pharmacies?

Fourth Question of the Day October 27, 2014 How many compounding pharmacies have "inside sales representative" for their compounded preparations? How many have both inside and outside sales representatives? How many have only outside sales representatives? How many have both human and veterinary sales representatives ( inside and outside)?

Third Question of the Day October 27, 2014 Should all states require Pharmacist in Charge (PIC) to have more education than a bachelors in pharmacy if they are going to compound drugs in large amounts and ship then across state lines?

Second Question of the Day October 27, 2014 Now that there are several options for Veterinary Pharmacy Residency should state boards of pharmacy and state legislators start making this mandatory for all veterinary compounding pharmacies/pharmacists?

Large Drug Firms' Buys Of Smaller Ones Seen As Factor In Drug Price Hikes

Some drug price-control advocates say recent moves by big pharmaceutical companies to buy smaller biotechnology companies that have developed specialty drugs are contributing to rising drug costs and a lack of transparency around how those drugs are priced -- though others say such a business model has been common for years, and the recent high-profile acquisitions by Roche and Gilead Sciences simply serve to highlight this mode

Legal Experts Tout Need For More FDA Authority To Respond To Drug Shortages

Legal experts say Congress should give FDA new power to respond to shortages of critical drugs, floating the ideas of letting FDA temporarily re-purpose a drug license to another company, akin to NIH's march-in rights, and allowing importation from unregistered foreign manufacturers.