Friday, March 28, 2014

Save the Date for the American Society for Pharmacy Law Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXV

American Society for Pharmacy Law
Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXV

November 69, 2014

Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort & Spa
Indian Wells, California

 Interested in sponsoring the ASPL DPLXXV Seminar?
Click here for more information.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

IACP Summarizes the FDA Fiscal Year 2015 Budget

The President released his budget on March 4th, requesting $4.7 billion for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is $358 million, or 8% above the FY 2014 Enacted level. The President specifically requested $25 million of the total for agency-wide oversight of drug compounding, including enforcement, inspections, and collaboration with States.
Click here to read IACP's Summary of the FDA FY 2015 Budget

PETA Makes Case; Medication Reforms Touted

PETA Makes Case; Medication Reforms Touted

PETA Video Fallout and Horse Doping Issues Continue to be a huge topic--Here are Some Must Reads for those Dealing With Horse Doping and Veterinary Compounding Issues

PETA video fallout and reaction continues:
>>> Zayat press release: "Then Scott Blasi texted me Friday night ... 'I want to apologize ... I was clearly under the influence of alcohol and a woman."
>>> Ehalt: "The report has been both hailed and assailed ... And the truth is somewhere in the middle."
>>> Pricci: "Racing on hay, oats and water is the only remedy that's acceptable now, the general public will demand no less, nor should they."
>>> PETA VP: "It's time for the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to step in and clean up the thoroughbred racing industry's addiction to drugs."
>>> Sulky side blog: "So based on the reaction thus far, can we draw any conclusions for harness racing?"
>>> MacAdam: "All ripping PETA does is deflect attention from the fact that racing continues to be its own worst enemy."
>>> Towers' Pull the Pocket blog offer some on-going commentary
>>> Scribe from the New Orleans area: Thought, feelings, observations on Asumussen video scandal
>>> Noonan: Yet another wake-up call for racing>>> Owner Zayat transferring horses from Asmussen stable
>>> The Atlantic/Cohen: The ugly truth about horse racing... An expose by PETA, published in The New York Times, shows a side of the sport that the industry has tried hard to shield from public view
>>> Jicha: "If this forces racing to step up and finally take meaningful action to clean up the game, it could be worth this latest embarrassment. The question is how."
>>> Scott: "One thing is certain - the time remaining for racing to put its house in order, on more or less its own terms, just got a whole lot shorter."
>>> TDN commentary: "What is required right now is for tracks and owners to sit down and write our Declaration of Independence."
>>> Top Australian vet suggests common practices in the US racing are alarming by international standards