Monday, December 31, 2012

Porposed Rules in Jan. 2013 Delaware--Include Compounding for Office Use

To read the entire proposed regulations much of which deal with compounding click here

Finding Compounding and Stability

December 2012
Finding Compounding and Stability
Information in the IDIS 4.0 Drug Database

Pharmacists are sometimes called upon to compound a drug product for a patient. The key to
finding information related to extemporaneous preparation of drug products in the IDIS 4.0 Drug
Database is Descriptor PREPARATION 35. “Extemporaneous Compounding” and “Extemporaneous
Preparation” are cross-referenced to descriptor PREPARATION 35.  The IDIS 4.0 definition for
descriptor 35 is “Preparation of a drug immediately prior to administration to the patient, (e.g., pH
adjustment, dilution, extemporaneous techniques, directions for in vivo or in vitro labeling of
radiopharmaceuticals”).  Combining a drug or drug names with descriptor PREPARATION 35 and an administration descriptor (e.g. ADMIN RECTAL 101 or TOPICAL 65) is a good search strategy for finding articles related to compounding and preparing drug products for a specific unique route of

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