Monday, January 1, 2018

Appeals court asked to rule on pharmacy slaying conviction

Tulsa World-Dec 30, 2017
Former pharmacist Jerome Jay Ersland is taking his last-ditch challenge of his murder conviction to the federal appeals court in Denver. Ersland, 66, is serving a life sentence for fatally shooting an unarmed, already wounded teenage robber in 2009 inside an Oklahoma City pharmacy. He is not eligible for parole until 2049.

Pharmacists slow to dispense lifesaving overdose drug

WBIR-TV-Dec 30, 2017
Gale Dunham, a pharmacist in Calistoga, Calif., knows the devastation the opioid epidemic has wrought, and she is glad the anti-overdose drug naloxone is becoming more accessible. But Dunham said that so far, she has not taken advantage of a California law that allows pharmacists to dispense the medication to ...

All My Pharmacy Students Learn to Code

Pharmacy Times-Dec 27, 2017
We all know that health care is changing rapidly. The mobile phone, augmented by health and wellness trackers, apps, and sensors is shifting care into the home. Pharmacists must be leading new practice model initiatives and, at a minimum, be familiar with connected technology. The chief clinical officer of Partners