Friday, June 3, 2016

Court: Wrongful death case against pharmacy can proceed ModernMedicine-9 hours ago A Florida appeals court recently ruled that the estate of an Ohio man who died from a fatal dose of pain medication could sue the compounding pharmacy that .

Court: Wrongful death case against pharmacy can proceed June 02, 2016 By Mark Lowery, Content Editor

Federal Grand Jury Expands Criminal Charges Against Penn ... Paulick Report-Jun 2, 2016

Federal Grand Jury Expands Criminal Charges Against Penn ...

Paulick Report-Jun 2, 2016
The case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's Horse Racing Commission and the Federal ...

Penn National horse trainer facing additional criminal charges 2, 2016
The additional charges brought against her are part of a wide-reachinginvestigation at Penn National Race Course that has uncovered trainers dopinghorses ...
Slow response leaves anti-doping agency's effectiveness, priorities in question.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Recent New York Medicaid Settlement with Pharmacy Shows ...

The National Law Review-5 hours ago
A New York pharmacy has agreed to pay approximately $500,000 to the State of New York for improperly billing New York Medicaid for prescriptions written by a

CWCI Finds Consistent Outcomes in California Workers' Comp ...

Business Wire (press release)-1 hour ago
Once again, opioid painkillers and compounded drugs together accounted for about 40% of the first quarter prescription drug IMRs, even though the IMR uphold ..

FDA whacks Megafine India plant with warning for faked test data

Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Faking data has won another Indian drugmaker a stern warning from the FDA. This time it is for a Megafine Pharma plant whose products the FDA banned last year for the kind of data integrity shenanigans that inspectors have found repeatedly in Indian drug and API plants, indicating that some companies refuse to change until they get caught.