Monday, July 1, 2013

Virginia’s Griffith works on draft proposal for compounding legislation July 01, 2013 Association comments on compounding discussion draft

In June 21 comments on Rep. Morgan Griffith’s (R-VA) compounding discussion draft, APhA recommended modifications in the draft pertaining to radiopharmaceuticals, an advisory committee on compounding, more clarity on state oversight, and more resources forinspections.
Griffith has taken the lead on drafting compounding legislation for the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health. He requested an updated comment letter from the Association. APhA is working with Griffith’s office as the legislative process moves forward.
“There needs to be clear delineation with respect to state and FDA authorities and requirements regarding compounding and inspection authorities,” APhA wrote in the letter on the topic of state oversight. “While we agree FDA should have inspection authority if a pharmacycrosses the line into manufacturing, this line should be drawn in advance to avoid surprises.”

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House Republicans may introduce compounding legislation soon

July 1, 2013. At the request of Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA), who has taken the lead on drafting compounding legislation for the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health, APhA commented June 7 on a regulatory concept that relied on a draft Compliance Policy Guide that had been under development by FDA before the recent fungal meningitis outbreak. 
“While APhA is supportive of making sure that nothing like this occurs again, we are also concerned that overreaching changes to the law could inadvertently block patient access to needed compounded medications,” the Association wrote in the comment letter. “Our utmost concerns are patient safety and access to best treatment options and access to quality medications, including appropriate compounded medications.” 

APhA staff meet with Griffith’s office

Following the requested comment letter, APhA staff met with Griffith’s office on June 10 and will continue to work with him as the legislative process moves forward. “It was a very productive meeting,” said APhA Senior Lobbyist Michael Spira. “I would expect we might see legislation in the coming weeks.” 
House Republicans are pushing to introduce compounding legislation in the near future because on the Democrat-controlled Senate side, the Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions Committee chair and ranking member have asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to put its compounding bill on the floor by the July 4 recess, according to Spira. The House “has to put its marker down or they will be forced to deal with the Senate bill,” he explained. Even though the Senate bill is bipartisan, the House has indicated it won’t take up the Senate bill.
The House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on examining drug compounding on May 23. Two previous hearings on compounding were held by the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

‘Compounding is part of the pharmacy profession’

The Association’s June 7 letter to Griffith’s office highlighted several compounding issues and referred to 2008 APhA policy on pharmacy compounding accreditation (see sidebar).
“Compounding is an integral part of the pharmacy profession and was virtually synonymous with the practice of pharmacy for many years prior to the inception of large-scale and widespread pharmaceutical manufacturing,” APhA wrote. “Common examples where compounding serves a critical patient need include preparing dosage forms to enhance medication administration and adherence, preparing a formulation that excludes an ingredient known to trigger a patient’s specific allergic response, maintaining a patient on a medication when there is a drug product shortage, and providing a drug product in a specific and customized strength or dosage form. In addition, cancer patients with challenged oral intake may require oral medications compounded into other dosage forms that meet that particular patient’s needs.”
Continued APhA’s letter: “There continues to be an appropriate place for customized compounding of medications in today’s health care system.”

APhA policy on pharmacy compounding accreditation (2008)

  1. APhA reaffirms the 1992 Compounding Activities of Pharmacists policy, which states that APhA affirms that compounding pursuant to or in anticipation of a prescription or diagnostic preparation order is an essential part of health care that is the prerogative of the pharmacist.
  2. APhA supports compounding as defined by the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) as a means to meet patient drug therapy needs.
  3. APhA opposes compounding when identical medications are commercially and readily available in strength and dosage form to meet patient drug therapy needs.
  4. APhA asserts that compounding is subject to regulations and oversight from state boards of pharmacy. APhA urges state boards of pharmacy to identify and take appropriate action against entities who are illegally manufacturing medications under the guise of compounding.
  5. APhA supports accreditation of compounding sites by PCAB to ensure patient safety. APhA encourages state boards of pharmacy to recommend accreditation for those sites that engage in more than basic nonsterile compounding as defined by PCAB.
  6. APhA supports the development of education, training, and recognition programs that enhance pharmacist and student pharmacist knowledge and skills to engage in compounding beyond basic, nonsterile preparations as defined by PCAB.
  7. APhA encourages the exploration of a specialty certification in the area of compounding through the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties (BPS).
(JAPhA NS48(4):470 July/August 2008) (Reviewed 2009)(Reviewed 2011)

US Senate Posts Amended Pharma Serialization and Traceability Bill and Compounding Bill--Debated Expected Week of July 8, 2013

Entitled the "Pharmaceutical Quality, Security, and Accountability Act", this bill is the result of the merging of the compounding and drug security bills which were passed earlier in June by the Senate HELP committee.
The new consolidated bill includes certain amendments to the drug security bill previous passed by the HELP committee. Highlights include:
  • Provisions for Manufacturers to provide transaction history, information and statements in a single document, paper or electronic, to downstream trading partners
  • Verification procedures for Manufacturers, Wholesale Distributors and Dispensers in the event of potentially suspect product that should specifically include the standardized numerical identifier when verifying the package starting on or after the respective serialization deadlines for each industry segment
Debate on the bill in the full Senate is expected the week of July 8th. If the bill passes, it will have to be reconciled with the House drug security bill that differs on a few key components.
To hear a detailed breakdown of the serialization, transaction traceability, product verification and other provisions of both the Senate and House bills, you can watch a streaming replay of our analysis here: Federal Pharmaceutical Serialization and Traceability Webinar. Or, drop us a note and we'd love to discuss what the potential national legislation would mean to your business!

FDA Cracks Down On Online Pharmacies Selling Counterfeit Drugs Posted: June 30, 2013 Author: Jennifer Walker-Journey

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Interpol are cracking down on online pharmacies for selling counterfeit or , or selling drugs without appropriate safeguards. To date, 1,677 sites have been  and several others have received warnings. Fifty-eight people have been  and more than $41 million worth of  medications have been seized.
Many of these illegal pharmacies have names similar to legitimate pharmacies. For example, one of the online pharmacies the agencies have closed is, a play off of the legitimate website.
Many of these sites advertise popular drugs such as Viagra and Celebrex. However, the drugs actually contain . The agencies say it is difficult to know how many  or  these errant medications have caused.
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy recently assessed more than 10,000websites for online pharmacies and found that 97 percent fell short of meeting state and federal guidelines, and 88 percent did not require a valid prescription. Nearly half of the pharmacies reviewed sold medications that had not been approved by the FDA.
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy features an approved list of online pharmacies. If in doubt, consumers can verify the authenticity of a site first, if the website asks for a valid prescription, and secondly if they have a licensed pharmacist available for consultation. The pharmacy should also be located in the United States and licensed in the state where the website is registered.
quoted from here

Monday, July 1, 2013 Drug Companies Try to Ban Compound RX for Vets Today's Medical Monday deals with a critical issue to pet health care--a Vet's take on need for compounded drugs

Today's Medical Monday deals with a critical issue to pet health care.

My Meds Matter, a medical watchdog site with a specific interest in custom compounded medications, recently posted an alert about a proposal coming before the U.S. Senate. If passed, this proposal would effectively ban pharmacies from compounding medications prescribed by veterinarians to treat dogs, cats, and horses.
According to My Meds Matter, "customized medications can make all the difference is the world when these animals have a health issue.

The most egregious provision under consideration would limit the bulk ingredients that can be used in compounded medications to treat dogs, cats and horses to a positive list developed by the FDA.

There are no similar restrictions for elephants, giraffes, hamsters, other minor species— not even humans!

This could mean the elimination of important drug therapies that dogs, cats and horses depend on."

What's behind this push to ban compounding drugs? Apparently it's sponsored by the Animal Health Institute (AHI), a group created and funded by the big drug companies. Their member directory reads as a Who's Who of the world's major pharmaceutical companies: Abbot Laboratories, Bayer, Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, Zoetis
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