Thursday, March 1, 2018

Schaar, 47, of Biloxi said Diaz agreed to sign copies of pre-printed prescriptions for patients he had never seen. The compounded medications prescribed by Diaz — pain and scar creams and accompanying vitamins — added

According to Louis Norville, Internal Revenue Service special agent, records showed that Diaz was one of the top prescribers of compoundedmedications. The Food Drug and Administration describes compoundingas a combination, mix or alteration of ingredients of a drug to make

According to Louis Norville, Internal Revenue Service special agent, records showed that Diaz was one of the top prescribers of compoundedmedications. The Food Drug and Administration describes compoundingas a combination, mix or alteration of ingredients of a drug to make

Done correctly, there is no law that prohibits an individual from receiving a commission from a compoundingpharmacy for marketing products to other individuals. Mike Sher, however, did not do everything correctly, and for this, he is going to pay a significant price,"