Thursday, August 1, 2013

Question of the Day August 1, 2013 What if another outbreak similiar to NECC or large numbers of animals die such as in Franck's occurs before Congress and/or states are able to pass legislation? Who should then be held criminal and civilly liable? Who should be accountable?

Compounding Legislation’s Rationale Gets Boost From GAO – But Its Details Don’t

By Cathy Dombrowski / Email the Author / Jul. 31, 2013 
Word Count: 903 / Article # 14130731005 / Posted: July 31 2013 8:00 PM

Executive Summary

A report from the federal watchdog agency backs up FDA’s quest for legislative action, but makes no specific recommendations on how to improve the agency’s capabilities to regulate compounding pharmacies.

Follow protocols when using medications from compounding pharmacies

Follow protocols when using medications from compounding pharmacies

Study: Compounding pharmacy oversight inconsistent

BOSTON (AP) — A new federal report has concluded that the authority to regulate pharmacies engaged in drug compounding is ‘‘unclear’’ and ‘‘inconsistent’’ at the state and federal levels.
The Government Accountability Office also found that federal circuit court decisions have given the Food and Drug Administration different oversight authority in different parts of the country.

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