Monday, July 14, 2014

11th Question of the Day July 14, 2014 How much is the mark up cost vs. the aquisition cost for the compounding medication? This is a question every patient out their should be asking their doctor, their pharmacists, and anyone else they can get the information from. Then they should ask where is all that profit going?

What about this if the patient is paying out of pocket for the compounded medication is cost $100.00 but if the insurance is being billed it is $1000.00?  How can that be or maybe the better question is how can that be legal or right.  Another question patients should ask is if this compounded medication is specific and special to me why do they have a check- the-box form they use to tell the compound what to make?  Still another question might be how many compounded prescriptions for this compounded preparation do you write a day, a week or a month?  Oh but wait it is patient-specific so why is every patient the doctor sees getting the exact same compounded preparation using the exact same formula?

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