Saturday, December 14, 2013

Non-Resident Pharmacy Requirement for Arizona licensed Pharmacist in Charge and pharmacist must be licensed in Arizona

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Non-Resident Pharmacy Requirement for Arizona licensed
Pharmacist in Charge.

President Van Hassel asked Mr. Wand to address this agenda item.

Mr. Wand stated that at the last meeting the Board requested to place this item on the agenda.
Mr. Wand stated that A.R.S. § 32-1929 (C) requires that each application for a permit requires
the name of the pharmacist responsible to the Board for the operation of the pharmacy. Mr.
Wand stated that every pharmacy must have a pharmacist in charge and that pharmacist must be
licensed in Arizona.

Mr. McAllister stated that the person could be responsible and not be licensed in Arizona but in
the state where the pharmacy is located.

quoted from here

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