Friday, January 25, 2013

Reminder Law of Compounding is also on Facebook and Will be on Twitter Soon


Anonymous said...

So glad your blog is back up and running

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait to follow you on twitter. This blog is so informative. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Very informative, and very useful information will be glad to be able to follow on FB & Twitter. Keep up good work

bloglady said...

thank you for your support

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all your hard work in the compounding area. I read your blog every morning.

Anonymous said...

You have brought so much attention and focus to the compounding issues in the pharmacy world. Your blog is so unique and informative to the general public and to those in the industry. The amount of information you provide to your readers is exceptional. I can't wait to follow you on twitter. Can you post the link to the facebook page. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for always answering my questions with a personal email back to me. You are providing an excellent service. I appreciate all your insight and information especially that relating to state and federal jurisdictional questions. Thanks also for referring me to the briefs. They were very helpful in understanding this complex area.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you are back on-line. When I couldn't find your blog yesterday, I feared you had decided to stop blogging, which would have been an injustice to compounding.

Unknown said...

So proud of u girl doing what u love and helping others along the way, ur amazing

Anonymous said...

You are an awesome blogger. I don't know how you find all the materials that you find. We'll yeah I do. There is a reason we have always called you the "research queen."

bloglady said...

To answer one question I received about why I don't post as many legal documents such as briefs as I did in the beginning, that is simply because it was so costly. Each document downloaded from PACER by an attorney cost per page downloaded. I personally pay all cost for everything I have posted and for which I have never been reimbursed by anyone because so far I have not allowed advertisers on this blog. It was also time consuming to download, covert and link the legal documents. It became easier just to make the reader aware the legal document existed and then let you the reader email me if you wanted a copy of the document. Unless there is a huge cost involved, as you know I have been more than willing to either then post the document or email it to those who want a copy of it. Hope this answers your question.

bloglady said...

Another issue that has arisen is relating to comments posted. Most of the comments require screening because of the large volume of spam comments I have been receiving. I am sure I miss legitimate comments that should be posted in reviewing the masses of spam comments and post spam comments that I should have caught. That is not my intent. I make every attempt to post the readers' comments with a few exceptions: When the comments personally relate to me such as one comment I keep getting that says: "I am a f **king genius for starting this blog on compounding." I appreciate the comment but didn't feel it needed to be posted. Those are the types of comments I have not posted in the past but will make every attempt to post in the future so that the readers will know what other readers' thoughts are.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I love this blog. I also asked you a while back if you would consider a twitter account so readers could follow you. I am so glad you are going to be on twitter. Do you know when you will be up and running on that?


bloglady said...

Bill, I have had twitter set up for sometime. I just need to put the finishing touches on it. I will let you know when I send my first tweet. Thank you for your nice comment.
